Foundational Tips for Fighting Healthcare’s Top Cyberthreats

With ransomware attacks in the healthcare sector on the rise, here are some basic tips for creating a stronger cybersecurity posture.

By Tom Neclerio

In 2021 alone, the healthcare industry saw a 123% increase in attacks and sensitive data breaches likely as a result of the pandemic. It is of no surprise that cyberattacks have only continued to escalate and intensify across healthcare institutions – further destabilizing the medical field, adding to concerns among patients, and creating more headaches for personnel-strapped IT departments.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), industry experts labeled 2021 the industry’s worst year ever for , with tens of millions of patient records compromised. The continuous blows to hospitals and smaller offices alike were largely successful due to hackers purposefully exploiting burdened healthcare organizations at a time when resources were already stretched.